Great Time Wasters

Forget connecting the furthest reaches of the world or empowering the common people; the web has proven its value by simply creating some ofthe best time wasters and mindless entertainment ever.  Here are two of my most recent favorites:

Photomosaic Zooming Click Thing (there’s no real name given for it.  I just know that I can click and click and click and click and click)

Eskiv – I love simple games like this.  They seem to easy to play but are actually nearly impossible to master. Use the arrow keys to move the circle so that it gets to the square.  Without hitting the bouncing blue dots.  Which seems really easy at first.  At first.  Then gets harder.  Then leads you playing until your fingernails get to be three inches long and you’re using them to move the foot-long unwashed hair out of your face….

Turn the monitor away from the cubicle door and click away!

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