I recently purchased a gift for my friends’ son’s first birthday from OneShare.com. It was a very good experience shopping with them and they produced a quality product that I was very happy with. I wholeheartedly reccomend them for anyone looking for a different gift for nearly any occassion.
However, they just did something today that annoyed me. Nothing too big, but just one of those stupid little things that drives me nuts both as a consumer and a marketer. I received a letter from them with a special offer for "Our Valued Customers." I bought ONE thing from you and I’m a "valued" customer? If that’s the case, I feel kind of bad for them. Me buying one item one time shouldnt’ make me a valued customer. Steven Tyler and Chapstick; Gene Simmons and toungue scrapers; Michael Jackson and daycares… now those are frequent and "valued" customers.
This post is made with apologies to Idiot Letters by Paul Rosawho inspired it. Read the book. Its friggin’ hilarious.