"Amazing Race" is probably one of the better reality shows out there, as it requires some actual skill to win and takes both participants and viewers to fascinating locals all over the world. It is one of those shows that you might consider participating in, but that means going through auditions and taking a lot of time off from work if you even do make it on the show, with no guarantee of a reward.
This past weekend, we participated in an urban scavenger hunt that was like the Amazing Race on a much smaller scale. Called High Trek Adventure, it takes you through the city – in my case, Boston – trying to solve clues and using only your feet and public transportation to get to each location.
It turned into a very fun, exciting and tiring day, but one that we’d do again. We didn’t do too bad – we hardly won, but we found more clues than a lot of teams, including doggedly finding what was the gift of the MIT class of 1892 (flagpoles in the main quad area, in case you’re wondering). If you want a taste of adventure without taking a leave of absence from your work, this is a great option. It also gives you a day of great exercise (my feet are still a bit sore) and makes you see more of a city than you normally would. I had never spent so much time walking through the back streets of Beacon Hill or the North End and saw some parts of Boston that I hadn’t explored before. I also now know the subway system better than I ever did and after studying up for the race, I now have about a dozen new places in Boston I want to go.
My only complaint is that I wish it had more historical locals that you had to figure out. The clues were riddles that you had to solve to find restaurants, stores, etc. I was hoping for more Bostonian trivia leading you to the location in question. Another company called Urban Dare offers similar experiences and seems to concentrate more on those type of questions.
We are way better than Eric and Danielle who are you kidding. So is Urban Dare our next adventure and are you up for the challenge?