The design isn’t breakthrough and the layout is simple, but the information is easy to understand and it is easy to set up – and for a music fan, it beats the stupid Ticketmaster email system.
Check out for a great way to see who is coming to your town and avoid missing out on seeing your favorite artists.
WOO EFFING HOO!I am stoked geeze I am glad I have a DVR so I don’t have to worry about misisng this stuff if I am delayed, kidnapped or some other lame excuse for not seeing anything with QT in it.Thanks for the info!
TITLE: New Ways To Track Your Favorite Bands
BLOG NAME: Pop Culture Gangster
DATE: 05/07/2007 09:31:47 PM
I’ve raved about TourFilter before, and now here comes two sites that helps to automate the process based on your iTunes library. The first is SonicLiving, which take a more manual and web-based approach, where it automatically detects which artists