The Universal Powers Speak

So I’ve made my decision to leave the Ocean Group and go back to my passion of working in the food & beverage industry, returning to Dean Foods as the Northeast region’s Marketing Manager.  I’m very excited about the opportunity and getting back into an industry that I find interesting and fun.

That was my biggest problem at Ocean Group and MEDport – I just never got "into" the category and really couldn’t get comfortable enough with it to use all my creative juices.  Now that the company is reorganizing and refocusing after Jeff’s untimely death, they will have an even stronger focus on consumer medical products, and that just isn’t something I want to get deeper into.  My reason for going to the Ocean Group in the first place was the Ocean Group and the business incubator model that they had.  Now they will be MEDport and more closely focus on a more narrow set of products.  Good for the company, bad for my ADHD-like career path…

However, just in case I was feeling any last minute regrets – which I’m not  – I had my decision reaffirmed by nothing less than a…. fortune cookie.  And an eight-month old one none the less!

in November/December when I had to make a decision about leaving Garelick and
what job I was going to take, I happened to have Chinese food for dinner.  It was literally the night before I was going
to make a final decision.  My fortune cookie that night said “Your destiny lies
before you, choose wisely.”  I thought it
was eerily appropriate,  so I kept it. 

Here’s the
REALLY weird part, and what I admit threw me for a little bit of a loop at the
time: the “learn Chinese” word on the backside of the fortune was… “milk”.

No, I’m not kidding.

the fortune cookies start speaking to you, you know it is time to do something!

One thought on “The Universal Powers Speak”

  1. I did see this fortune with my own eyes and I too was freaked the fuck out… but I am very happy for you. You have so much talent, and this incredible ability to create amazing ideas out of nowhere….WHO DOES THIS??!!!

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