In a previous post I talked about music overload, but even given that, I had to share what I think is just one of the coolest services I’ve seen in a long time. Its called Shazam Entertainment and lets you find out the name of any song or artist that you hear simply by sending a text message to them and holding the phone up to the music. Their technology recognizes the song and sends you the info.
Seriously, isn’t that just the bomb-diggity, if you’ll allow me to say so? I wish I had that recently a few times at Bukowski’s Tavern in Boston (follow the link to a great web site, but Bukowski’s deserves a better rating than it gets there. I think the beer selection is really good, and the burgers are awesome!) and both times some great music was playing that I couldn’t identify and the servers didn’t know since it was some mix disc. Very cool garage rock type of stuff that I definately would have gone out and bought. Or downloaded. Or requested on radio. Or on satellite radio…. you get the idea.
Anyway – that’s my shout out to Shazam and my wish that they bring the service to the good ‘ol U.S. of A. or that a similar service comes soon.
(Just in case you’re wondering how I found about this, it was through a great web site called
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